- Regular price
- $25.00
- Regular price
- $25.00

- Regular price
- $25.00

Can you guess the most popular survey results?
This is a one person at a time game. Contestants will get 30 seconds to guess top survey responses. For each survey question, the game shows 4 random responses in colored boxes. The better you pick the more points you get but don't pick the lowest option, that will get you a strike!

(If you are looking for "The Feud" Gameshow game you can find it here.)
This is a super fast and easy game to set up and run. Just type in the player’s name and hit Play. To answer a question the contestants will need to click a button represented by the red, blue, yellow, or green rectangle. On the control screen, you can see the keyboard inputs for each color. If you have buzzers that use keyboard inputs, then the set up will look something like this...
Red - "A", "1", or Left arrow key
Blue - "S", "2", or Right arrow key
Yellow - "D", "3", or Up arrow key
Green - "F", "4", or Down arrow key
We selected these keys because they are commonly used by the people who make Buzzers. MakeyMakeys use the arrow keys. The Affordable Buzzers uses the 1-4 keys.
When no one is playing, the screen shows the Top Ten Leaderboard.
To start a game, you have to first type in a name and press "SAVE NAME". Then you can press the "PLAY" button to start the next game.
This game comes preloaded with over 100 surveys (we surveyed over 100 teens). With the built-in question editor, you can VIEW, ADD, REMOVE and EDIT questions; as well as IMPORT and EXPORT entire sets of questions.
Users can now add, remove and edit all of the questions. You can also now easily store and manage multiple sets of questions in our new "question set" files.
Click the EDIT button to get to the edit screen.
- New File: Start with a blank page, and create a new set of questions.
- Open File: Import a previously created list of questions.
- Save As: Save the current list of questions to a new file with a new name. All files are saved into a "CrowdControlGames" folder in the "Documents" folder.
- Load Default: If you ever just need to load all of the default questions...this is your button.
- Add Question: Add a new question to the current set of questions.
- Delete Question: Permanently remove a question from the current set of questions.
- Update: Be sure to click this to save any changes you made to the current selected question.
FYI: The game does not allow changes to the Default Questions set. In order to modify the questions; do a "Save As" and give the set a new name. Then you can edit as much as you want, or simply start a New set.
The file format is a .TSV (tab-separated values). We recommend editing these files in the in-game editor. However, for larger projects, you can also edit them in a text editor or spreadsheet. Just remember when you are saving/exporting that it stays in the TSV format (and not .txt or .xls).
We just sell software, we don't sell buzzers. But we know where you can get some! We have info on our BUZZER PAGE to help you out.
"Welcome to Speed Survey, where contestants will see how quickly they can pick the top survey answers.
We surveyed over 100 teens, their top answers are on the board. Contestants simply pick the best responses. Four random responses will be selected from the board, and show on 4 color squares, red, blue, yellow, and green. Hit the button with the best response as fast as you can. The Top Ten scores will go to the LeaderBoard.
Let's meet our first player. Hi, what's your name and where you from...
-The game operator will type in the player's name as the Host talks to them. When their name shows up on the board, your ready to play.
OK, (players name), were ready to go. Your time starts in ... 3,2,1... GO!"