Crowd Scavenger Hunt
- Regular price
- $25.00
- Regular price
- $25.00

Crowd Scavenger Hunt
- Regular price
- $25.00

It's a Scavenger Hunt you play with a Crowd. So we called it... Crowd Scavenger Hunt!
Very low prep time, just make a list and you're ready to play.
Once the clock starts, someone from each team will work with the audience to find every item or person on the list. The host will announce each item as they are brought up so the software operator can mark them "found". The first to get them all, or score the most points before time runs out wins. Super simple way to involve the entire crowd in a game. Names, colors, items points, time are all customizable.
Here are the rules:
- On the screen you will see a list of items
- Each team will find people in the audience who have or are the item and bring the ITEM AND THE PERSON to the stage.
- Captains will bring “Item People” to me to get points for their team.
- The first team to find all of the item WINS
- If time runs out, the team with the most points WINS
"Any questions?"
"All right, 3 mins on the clock.
"Now you folks out in the audience, if you have an item from the list (on the screen) wave your arms and make some noise so they know you can help them out."
"Get ready...3 ‐2 ‐1 ... HIT IT."
[Clock starts]
[Running music starts]
If you see a white box you can select the text and edit it. Click on one of the color square to pull up a color picker. Each team can have its own custom name and color. There is a list of 10 items that, along with it's points, can easily be edited. Be sure to hit the "Save All" button tp save the name, Colors, Items, points and time.
Here is a pic of Brian and Brad playing "A version" of Crowd Scavenger hunt at an event in Denver.