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- $25.00
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- $25.00

- Regular price
- $25.00

Each player will be controlling a light cycle. As you drive a wall of light will form in your path. If you hit a light wall or the edge of the game board your vehicle will explode. You only get three lives so drive fast and avoid the other player or you may get caught... in a "Speed Trap".

Each player will need two buzzers. One buzzer turns the light cycle left the other right. Use the buzzers to avoid the walls and outlast your opponent. You only get three lives. When someone loses all their lives, the other player wins.
Ways to play:
2 Players - Last player with a life wins.
2 Teams - Turn on "Team Totals" and the team with the most points after everyone plays wins.
Elimination Mode - Form a line of players. After each round, the winner goes to the back of the line. The loser is out. Play until there is just one player left.
WINNER - Click the button to show the "WINNER" animation.
BUZZ IN TO PLAY - When this is set to "ON" anyone can start the game by simply pressing a buzzer.
HIGH SCORE - This will keep track of the current high score.
TEAM TOTALS - This will show the running total score for each side.
We just sell software, we don't sell buzzers. But we know where you can get some! We have info on our BUZZER PAGE to help you out.
Welcome to SpeedTrap. To win this game you will need to out drive, out maneuver and out last your opponent.
Each player will be controlling a light cycle. As you drive a wall of light will form in your path. If you hit a light wall or the edge of the game board your vehicle will explode. You only get three lives so drive fast and avoid the other player or you may get caught... in a "Speed Trap".
We will need two teams of four. So let's get a guy and a girl, freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior.
Let's start with the Freshman.
The longer you drive the more points you get. If you hit a wall then you will explode and the other player gets all the points. You have 3 lives. When those lives are gone you are out of the game. Here we go...
(freshman play)
Round 2
OK Sophomores lets see what you can do. Avoid the walls. Get those points. We are going to keep adding on to each sides score. Lets go.
(sophomores play)
Round 3
Alright Juniors lets see what you can do. Your teams need to get some big points here.
(Juniors play)
Round 4
This is it. The final round.
At the end of this the side with the most points will be the winner.
(Seniors play)
(Announce wining side, Click on the "Winner" button.)