- Regular price
- $50.00
- Regular price
- $50.00

- Regular price
- $50.00

2. Custom Fit- Customize the game screen to fit your setup
3. Save Name - Type in players names then press to save
4. Logo/Game - Turns on the Logo screen (also activates the music track)
5. GURU Guide - This text box will tell you what to do, every step of the game.
6. NEXT - This is THE button, it will advance you to whats next.
7. “+” "–" - Use these buttons to enter the numbers for the code.
(8,9,10 : Players will use these to strategically to "sabotage " other players)
8. HACK - Hides another players "hints"
9. ZAP - Remove a single digit from another players code (a new one is generated)
10. SKIP - Skip another players turns
11. Music - Adjust the volume of the Music an Sound FX
12. Reset Game - Reset the scores, and ready to play again
Four players or teams will take turns guessing the code. As they guess "hints" will appear above and below there code to let them know if that digit is higher, lower, or correct.
When round 2 starts "Sabotages" are unlocked. Each player gets a Hack,Zap, and Skip. They can only use them 1 time so you gotta play it smart.
First player to get the correct code will be the winner.