- Regular price
- $50.00
- Regular price
- $50.00

- Regular price
- $50.00

Split is a fun strategy game for 10 to 1,000 players... ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Play live, over Zoom, Facebook, Twitch, the gram, the tube... where ever your crowd is at. Players log into on their device to play along.
Can you outsmart the crowd and win the SPLIT?
If your wondering, "Now what the heck is this game?" Its kind of like Rock Paper Scissors and Minesweeper got together to play Bingo. (does that even help... maybe just keep reading)
The game has 10 rounds. Each round the value of the pot goes up and YOU get to decide who gets to keep it.
Everyone starts on the white square in the middle. Each round you move 1 space to a different colored square. Then you vote for which color gets to SPLIT the pot. The more people on your square the less you get to keep. Here is the trick... you can't vote for your own color.
To win the game you need to be at the top of the leaderboard with as much fake money as possible. Watch out for the center white tile, every other round it is locked and you will have to wait a turn to get out.
A quick look at how the game works.
1. Players log on to The Host will generate a new game code everytime they play. The code will be in the top right of the game screen.
2. Every round the players will move 1 space & vote.
When everyone has Moves & Voted, then the host will reveal the results.
3. Show Moves - 4. Show Vote - 5. Show Split
6. Update leaderboard
After the leaderboard has been updated you are ready for the next round.
7. Repeat this for all 10 rounds. Points go up every round.
Control Screen
This is where you control everything.
--- GAME SETUP ---
If you want a new game code you will need to "Reset the Game". Any player logged on will need to log out and log back in with the new code.
The Game title will show up on CCG.BUZZ to let players know they are in the right game.
Keyboard Shortcuts: If you click this on you can use the-
1, A, or spacebar - cycle thru the "Start, Moves, Votes, Splits, Leaderboard" buttons.
S or 2 - Check the buzzers
D or 3 - "5 sec. countdown"
Round 1 Amount
If the crowd is more than 100 then the split may make the winning amount too low. As your crowd increases you should increase the "Round 1 Amount". This amount is added every round, so round 1 of 400 would be round 2 of 800, round 3 of 1200, etc...
The math works out well if this number is close to the size of your crowd. So a crowd of 480, the Round 1 amount should be around 500.
USE $ - if you want to use points instead of "Fake Dollars" just set this to off before you get the room code.
The "Screen" button at the top right of the control screen will turn the game screen on. If you have multiple displays connected it will also let you select which screen you want the game on. Windowed mode is a great way to play the game on a single screen if you want to practice.
"Hey Everybody welcome to Split. If you want to play along go to CCG.BUZZ and enter the game code you see at the top right of this screen.
This game is easy to play but only one of you can win. See these numbers on the left of the screen? These are the points you are playing for. Each round YOU get to decide who gets to SPLIT the pot.
Everyone starts on the white square in the middle. Each round you move 1 space to a different colored square. Then you vote for which color gets to SPLIT the pot. Here is the trick... you can't vote for your own color. The more people on your square the less you get to keep.
Alright lets start Round 1."
- Host clicks "Start next round" button. All players Move and Vote.
- Click on "Check Buzzers" to see if everyone has voted.
- You can use the "5 sec countdown" button to speed players along
"Alright times up, let's see where everyone moved to."
- Click "show moves"
"Looks like a good spread, lots of people on red, lets see who won the vote..."
- Click "show votes"
"Wow. Blue with 75% of the vote. If you are on blue you are getting some points, lets see how much you are getting.
- Click "Show Splits"
"Looks like that square with 4 people are each geting $25 and the person on the square all alone is getting $100. Lets update the leaderboard and see how everyone did."
- Click "Update Leaderboard"
"WOW! Bailey #307 is at the top of the board! Let's head to the next round. The stakes are going up, this round is worth $200!
- Repeat for all 10 rounds.
- Click the Winner button at the end of the game to display the winners name on the screen.